4. Вспомните глаголы “to be , to have”: I am, he, she, it is, we, you, they are. A. Выберите необходимый глагол и заполните пропуски, согласовывая глагол с подлежащим. 1. It ___ a fine morning today. 2. You ___ very well dressed. 3. ___ you a pupil? No, I ___ not a pupil, I ___ a student. 4.___ Pete at school now? No, he and his friends ___ at the library. 5. How ___ you? I ___ fine, thank you. And how ___ your mother? 6. How ___ everybody at home? They ___ all well, thanks. 7. What ___ your parents? My father ___ an officer and my mother ___ a housewife. 8.___ you hungry?
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lolef 1 год назад
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i m ganster yebaster

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